1- At the moment I __________ ( work \ am working)
2- Right now _______ ( I \I am ) at work , my boss __________ (shows\ is showing )me how to use a new software
3- My parents are of Italian ancestry.. they ______( travel\ are traveling ) for the first time together in years
4- I am with my students at a bar right now, we _______( have \ are having ) a couple of Itaipavas to chill out
5- X is quite smart, this week she ______ ( takes part \ is taking ) part in an international congress on nuclear physics¨
6- Adriano Silva is one of the best* surfers in the world, he ____ originally from Guarujá, but currently *lives in the US.
To “live” is usually a non progressive verb .. uma frase como “ está ou estou morando em tal lugar não em tão comum in English, instead ( ao invés ) se diz “ I live in __ now “ , querendo dizer “ estou morando lá “
Word bank:
1- At least = pelo menos..
2- Which= o\a qual..
3- To hope = esperar, no sentido de ter esperança, desejar
4- Garden=jardim
5- Do the dishe s= lavar as louças, “fazer” as louças ( também se diz “wash the dishes”)
6- The biggEST.. smallEST = o maior, o menor ( para caracterizar os superlativos acrescenta-se EST ao fim da palavra, ou “ the most” ao início, como veremos adiante)