In 1808, the Portuguese court, fleeing*1 from Napoleon's invasion of Portugal during the Peninsular War in a large fleet*2 escorted*3 by British men-of-war, moved the government apparatus to its then colony, Brazil, establishing themselves the city of Rio de Janeiro. From there, the Portuguese king rules*4 his huge empire for 15 years, and there he would have remained*5 for the rest of his life, if it were not for the turmoil*6 aroused in Portugal due*7, among other reasons, to his long stay in Brazil after the end of Napoleon reign.
In 1815 the king vested Brazil with the dignity of a united kingdom with Portugal and Algarves.
A reprodução do pintor Pedro Américo (abaixo) mostra o momento em que D. Pedro proclamou a Independência. Ainda que não tenha sido exatamente assim, foi um momento importante para todos....
When King João VI of Portugal left Brazil to return to Portugal in 1821, his elder son Pedro, stayed in his stead*8 as regent of Brazil. One year later, Pedro stated the reasons for the secession of Brazil from Portugal and led the Independence War, instituted a constitutional monarchy in Brazil assuming its head as Emperor Pedro I of Brazil.
Also known as Dom Pedro I, after his abdication in 1831 for political incompatibilities (displeased by both the landed elites, who thought him too liberal, and by the intellectuals, who felt he was not liberal enough), he left for Portugal, leaving behind his five-year-son as Emperor Pedro II, which left the country ruled by regents between 1831 and 1840. This period was beset*9 by rebellions of various motivations, such as the Sabinadas, the War of Farrapos, Cabanagem and Balaiadas, among others.
After this period, Pedro II was declared of age and assumed his full prerogatives. D. Pedro II started a more-or-less parliamentary reign which lasted until 1889, when he was ousted*10 by a coup d ´état*11 which instituted the Republic of Brazil.
Word Bank:
*1 To flee= fugir, debandar
*2 A fleet= frota, carros, navios, camimnhões
*3 To Escort= acompanhar
*4 To rule= dar as ordens, regrar, comandar
*5 To remain = permanecer
*6 Turmoil= bagunça, devido a uma repercussão negativa
*7 Due to = devido à ..
*8 To do something in somebody´s stead = representar alguém, agir, fazer algo representando alguém, no lugar de alguém
*9 Beset = marcado por
*10 Ousted = deposto
*11 Coup d`état = French for “golpe de estado”