
The History of Brazil - The discovery

O hábito da leitura reflete de forma positiva na fluência verbal do aluno.. como? lendo, aprende mais palavras, vê essas palavras em um contexto, uma situação, consequentemente tem à sua disposição um acervo mais generoso de palavras prontas na cabeça para serem usadas.. palavras são como ferramentas, alunos que leem mais tem uma caixa de ferramentas mais bem equipada. Vamos lá então:

History of Brazil -  The discovery
 Check the verbs highlighted* in red, they are all in the past.

When the Portuguese arrived, the region was inhabited by hundreds of different tribes. During the first 02 centuries of the colonial period,  attracted  (atraídos, também atraiu) by the vast natural resources other European powers tried to establish colonies in several parts of Brazil.  French colonists tried to settle in RJ, from 1555-67, and in São Luis, 1612-14. Jesuits arrived early and established São Paolo, evangelizing the natives. 
These assisted the Portuguese in driving out the French.

The Dutch intrusion into Brazil was longer lasting* and more troublesome*  to the Portuguese.  Dutch privateers * began by plundering*  the coast: they sacked Bahia  in 1604 and temporarily captured the capital Salvador from 1630-1654;  the Dutch set up* in the Nordeste and controlled  a long stretch * of the coast, without, however* , penetrating the interior.  
But the colonists of the Dutch West India Company in Brazil were in a constant state of siege*, in spite* of the presence of John Maurice de Nassau as governor.  After several* years of open warfare*  the Dutch left in 1661.