Na classe anterior vimos “ I USED TO + verb in the infinitive, expressando um hábito passado, não mais existente, agora vejamos um “ primo”, mas com um significado um pouco diferente:
I AM USED TO + verbing = Estou acostumado\habituado à..
e.g.: Gabriel está acostumado a acordar cedo=
Note the verb “TO BE” = Gabriel IS used to .. + the gerund ( ING form of the verb) getting up early
No caso de não haver verbo, e sim um substantivo ( noun) :
I am not used to hot weather.
I am not used to this much pressure at the workplace.
I am not used to this much pressure at the workplace.
1- In Curitiba the weather is usually colder than in the rest of the country, but after living there for a while I got used to it.
2- After working six months as a trainee in an insurance company I got used to the office routine.
3- I used to go to work by car, but I´ve decided to change, in the beginning it was difficult to adjust, but now I´m used to walkING to work.
4- After only a week in South Africa I´m still getting used to drivING on the left..
5- This new guy we´ve hired is good but has no experience in sales, he´s not yet used to dealING* with the public.
6- In the beginning I had trouble typing on I-pads, the keys seemed smaller than desktops, but after a while you get used to it. (substantive) \ get used to typING ( verb ) on a small keyboard
* to deal with something\ someone = lidar com alguém\ alguma coisa
* to deal with something\ someone = lidar com alguém\ alguma coisa